Monday, February 1, 2010

Annual Sales Banquet at Chemung Hills

Richard Kownacki was honored as top salesperson at Preview in 2009. He's here with Nancy Bohlen. Julie Fischer was honored as runner up to Rich Kownacki in sales production in 2009. In addition, she was recognized for her community service efforts, which included rallying to put a furnace in home without. Julie is pictured here with Scott Bohlen.

Joette Bickel was recognized for her cell phones for soldiers campaign, which has delivered more than 2,000 blocks of cell phone use for soldiers overseas. Joette is pictured here with Julie Fischer (and her bedazzled phone).
Doug Angst received the Bob Dingler award, which recognizes agents in their first year of service with Preview Doug is pictured here with Scott Bohlen.
A fun casino night followed dinner and the awards presentations.
More casino fun.

Other salespeople recognized at this event included: Todd & Holly Koch, John Bogdasarian, Robin Love, Priscilla Watts, Greg Garwood, Marla Heatley, Andy Stersic, George Bush, Pat Welgs and Norm Burmeister, Sandy Bailey-Bristol, Neal Sanford, Rhiannon McCarty, Elizabeth Fairchild, Michelle and Nick Lycos, JoAn Hauber, Joe Panessidi, Sandy Kretzschmar and Robert Smith.
Special thanks goes out to Val Potts and Elizabeth Fairchild, who helped plan this event, and Lois Bota, Barb Wardrop and Wanda Kray for their help with the preparation of invitations and other material.
To see more photos, go to our Facebook page at (and become a Fan, please!).


  1. Great job on the banquet. The awards, the food, the camaraderie and the entertainment were all fantastic.

  2. Great people, great food, cheap drinks, gambling and prizes; who could ask for anything more. We didn't even miss dancing. Let's do it again next year.

    Thanks to all of you who contributed to the evening's success. Val, the candy was delish, and what a nice touch.
