Thursday, July 8, 2010

Guidance from 30 top agents under 30 years old

A few months ago Scott Bohlen ran through these bullet points in a sales meeting and I thought it might be something we needed to refresh ourselves on. This advice from 30 to Realtors under 30 years old came from the Realtor magazine:

  • Network and seek mentors
  • Don’t play games - no gimmicks, it’s about getting the job done
  • Know your buyer’s mindset
  • Be a community leader
  • Set big goals
  • Focus on the positive - surround yourself with positive people
  • Think beyond the deal - your reputation lasts beyond that one deal
  • Know your market cold - understand the economics of supply and demand
  • Discipline matters- said and done
  • Get real with people
  • Give it all you’ve got
  • Don’t be a stranger to clients - call every client weekly
  • Incorporate old school techniques - 100 calls a day and 20 thank you notes
  • Show compassion
  • Never say you can’t – believe at your core anything is possible
  • Live by the code – understand your obligation to your clients
  • Give them an experience
  • Don’t take shortcuts
  • Don’t let adversity break you – keep your head up when things are tough
  • Farm, farm and farm some more
  • Serve your associates well
  • Broaden your knowledge – learn all the time – ask questions
  • Be a team player
  • Develop a web of influence
  • Get up, dress up, show up
  • Success breeds success
  • Avoid surprises – talk to people about the process
  • Get the details right – complete the small tasks as well as the large ones
  • Build an impeccable image – touch past clients 4 times a year

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